Monday, February 8, 2021

That's not flying...It's falling, with style.

Watch out for that wooho - Melody Beattie - More language of Leffting Go

"There is a term in skydiving called relative work. That means you're contrilling your fall rate to match those of other jumpers in the air. Falling in formation with them. There was a rush of adrenaline. It's easy to get caught up in the woohoo of the moments. But don't forget about reality and humility too. We can make the right moves, assert ourselves, realize our dreams - but our plans sometimes need to be brought down to earth. Find a path with heart and walk it. Do things. Enjoy your activities. But also be aware that while you may feel like you are flying, there is a big green planet rushing toward you at 120 miles per hour that begs to differ. Say woohoo, Then remember that there's alway a power greater than you. It's important to be grounded and humble in everything that you do. "

This is basically a reminder to stay humble. I have learned that you can celebrate moments without waiting for the other shoe to drop. You can allow yourself to have those moments of excitement, hope, joy. But it's equally important to be grateful. Take a personal inventory in these moments and observe your surroundings. Enjoy the moments of joy, and appreciate them, hold on to them, for you may need them as reminders when your days are less than joyful. It's important to have balance. 

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