Friday, March 12, 2021

Learning to deal with manipulation

 " Even if you understand and follow all of the rules for more effectively engaging manipulators, life with them is not likely to be easy."

Sometimes they want something. Sometimes they want someone. Sometimes they want someone to give them something or feel a particular way. They want power, in some way, shape or form. Manipulators pray on weak spots. 

Obsession and guilt are weapons. 

Manipulators get us to use these weapons on ourselves. 

Sometimes we can disengage from maWe may have a parent whom we care about deeplt who has adapted manipulation as a way of life. 

Learn how to affectively deal with manipulators. Not everyone means what they say and says what they mean. People fling words about, to hit our guilty, vain, or frighten spots. Recognize that tinge of guilt or coercion you feel when other people are trying to force you to do it their way. Learn to recognize when others are telling you what they believe you want to hear. Learn to not react, stay clear, practice nonresistance, and stay true to yourself. This is even more difficult when you are an empath. 

Be gentle with yourself, if you have a manipulator in your life. You're not responsible for the other persons attempts at manipulation. You're responsible for staying clear. 

"Help me let go of the weak spots in myself that allow me to fall prey to manipulations. Help me stay clear of guilt and obsession so I can decide what's best for me."

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