There are two kinds of people in the world, There are the ones who blame other people for everything that happens. And there are the ones who blame themselves.
Have you ever watched a movie where one of the actors was a flame thrower? Instead, call it the blame thrower. It's a lit torch of fiery rage that we throw at each others or ourselves when situations don't work out the way we planned.
Blaming can be a healthy stage of grieving or letting go. But staying too long in this stage can be unproductive. It can keep us from taking constructive action. Blaming ourselves too long can turn into self-contempt, blaming others can keep us heavy and dark with resentments, and fuel the victim within.
If you're going through a loss, or if life has twisted on you, pick up your blame thrower - in the privacy of your own journal. Give yourself ten or twenty miniutes to blame without censorship. Get it out. Write out everything you want to say, whether you're throwing balme at someone else or at yourself.
"Spirit, help me search myself to see if i'm holding on to blame for myself or someone else. If I am, help me get it out in the open , then help me let it go. "
Thank you so much for the words of wisdom. I know the advice will help me with the loss of my mother two days ago. I feel as though I saw and read the info at this time, because I really need it.