Sunday, February 21, 2021

Take a back road

     Adventures don't begin until you get into the forest. That first step in an act of faith. 

Sometimes, we find the biggest advdentures when we deviate from the map and drive through the gate into new territory just to see where it goes. 

Remember that you don't have to follow the map all the time. Give me the spirit of adventure. Bring a little whoo hoo into your life. Say whoo hoo wherever you are. 

Sometimes the most ridiculous thing can be a chance for a mini whoo hoo. Learn to rappel in the moonlight on the beach. Jump off the cliff into the ocean, float down the river, play in the snow. 

Be open to new experiences in your life.. If it isn't life threatening, maybe it's ok, even if i'ts a litte odd. Don't be afraid to be ridiculous, look a little "uncool" even let out an aaaaaah now and then.

Have you had a whoo hoo lately? Have you got one on your list? Or maybe in your garage? Put on some roller blades and be a fruit booter. Buy a kayak, go slegging. Order something new off the menu. Take a different road. Find the whoo hoo, then carry it with you into your ordinary world and let it lighten your spirit. 

Whoohoos are the moments we'll remember all our lives. 

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