Hey folks!
I read this book every single day. My mother sent it to me 7 years ago. I didn't begin reading it daily until last year. I have a few girlfriends I share the readings with and a couple groups on facebook. It seems to attract a lot of positive attention and help many people. Shit, it's been my saving grace. I just purchased book #2.
More Language of Letting Go - 366 daily meditations. The author is Melody Beattie. She has many incredible books, I suggest you read them all!
I decided i'd start adding these to my blog. Take what you want from it. Take what resignates with you. Personally, I write it down every day. I believe it's helpful because i've learned when you write things down, it makes your brain process things better and retain the information. Now, i'll be typing parts of it out. Sometimes i'll share how it resognates with me and how I relate it to my personal experiences. I hope it helps someone as it's helped me. These books are about letting go of codependency. Enjoy!
FEBRUARY 4th, 2021 - Don't let fear throw you off balance
Lay a two by four on the ground and walk its length with ou falling off. Easy, isn't it? Now, place a couple of bricks under the two by four, raising it off the ground by a few inches. Walk it again. A little harder this time? Now imagine that same two by four, suspended at the height of your house with no safety net under it. Would you care to try again?
The higher the stakes, the harder it is to maintain our balance. That's what fear does in our lives.
When we're faced with simple situations in life, it's easy to do the right thing. But as the stakes get higher and higher, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on the task. We imagine "what ifs" and what might happen if we fail.
Look at the two by fours that you have to cross every day in your life. Are you allowing fear of a worst case scenario to upset your balance? Put the situation back on the ground. Rarely will failure result in permanent damage. Remove the fear that your mind has created around the possibility of failure and just walk along the plank.
"We grow fearless when we do the things we fear. "
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