Thursday, February 11, 2021

The only way is through

     Sometimes we get into situations and  we can easily get out. We date someone that we decide we aren't compatible with and we stop seeing them. Some of us experiment with drugs or alchohol - or both. We may decide this isn't right for us or good for us, so we stop the unhealthy experimenting. Some of us will take a job that we diecide we don't love or it isn't what we thought it would be. So we get a different job. We may even go as far as marrying someone that isn't right for us, so we get out. There aren't children attached, no excessive property of financial entanglements. We decide it's a mistake. We're sorry, but it isn't right for us. There may be few emotions involved, but correction is mostly painless and easy. 

    Then there are the times that are less easy. We don't just date someone, we marry them, have children and then realize we made a mistake marrying this person. We chose to drown ourselves in alchohol or drugs and one day we wake up and realize our life is out of control. We realize we need help. 

    Moments like this in our life bring us to our knees in grief. This leads us to work out our destiny. If we feel we've hit a point of no return at certain points in our life, the only way is through. 

    Surrender to the experience. You may not have signed up for this but you were lead downt his path to learn lessons for your higest good. Meet your destiny head on. 

    A spiritual adventure has just begun. 

    -Melody Beattie

These momets are going to occur numerous times in our life. I mean, it's only natural and part of our journey of figuring out who we are and what we want out of life. We change, grow, evolve, redirect. It's part of life. THe thing is, you have to decide whether or not you want to go on with life miserable or make the necesarry changes to lead a better life. A healthier, happier life. Are you happy with who you are? Do you love what you do? Do you have good people in your circle? Self evaluate - then act. 

Peace. Love. Art

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