Wednesday, May 25, 2022

New Moon in Gemini - May 30th, 2022


    The New Moon May 2022 comes in Gemini season and brings with it the type of energy that's all about change. Transformation is never easy and after a series of intense, dramatic, and trajectory-changing eclipses, the stars are gifting us with a much-needed and auspiciously timed gentle New Moon in Gemini. 

    this date in the Moon calendar 2022 is all about change. It’s literally like the planets aligned for this, as we’ve certainly been going through it, as a collective, over these last few weeks. From a dose of Mercury in retrograde 2022 to the Full Moon May 2022 falling on a Lunar Eclipse and all the energy brought by Eclipses in astrology - the New Moon May 2022 can't come fast enough.

    Gemini, the fast-talking, fast-thinking, clever, and curious sign of the zodiac. It's a much softer, fun, and free-spirited vibe with the stars inspiring us to let out our inner social butterflies.

    Light-hearted conversation will rule the day, but just because the vibes are less intense doesn’t mean that we can’t harness the energy of this New Moon to get clear on our long-term hopes, dreams, and aspirations. In fact, we’re all getting to hit a cosmic refresh button on any projects or plans we’ve put aside and get one step closer to manifesting our celestial vision boards.

    Mercury, the ruler of this New Moon, is retrograde and reconnecting in a tense square with stern Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury is a playful trickster, while Saturn is considered the austere taskmaster - the square between them says these two forces have come to a critical negotiation juncture. 

    To break it down; during this New Moon, as we set our intentions, there will be a reality check quality to it. It’s like Mercury is asking us to think it, Saturn will be requiring us to plan for it, and the square is forcing us to act on it. It’s giving off, “don’t just say it, but actually do it,” vibes. Put pen to paper. Stay focused. Commit to your dreams. 

    Get to work. Experiment and then edit based on what you’ve experienced. But above all: meet the Universe halfway. Put in the effort. Keep your spirit light and hopeful without losing your Mercurial, child-like enthusiasm and fervor - but don’t let your attention wander. 

    Remember that Saturn is the Lord of Karma - meaning that Saturn takes notes and will dole out rewards after witnessing a sustained effort from us on working towards our goals and dreams. So go after it!

We’re wrapping up the tumultuous astrology of May 2022 with an exciting new moon on May 30. The May 2022 new moon is the first major lunation since eclipse season, and it also launches us into the final lunar cycle of the spring — so it’s a time to center ourselves in our truth and start making sense of life’s recent surprises. While Mercury retrograde may still be mixing our signals, May’s new moon will bring some much-needed clarity as we prepare to enter a fresh month and wrap up a season. Connecting with the spiritual meaning of May’s new moon is a great way to tune into this cosmic frequency and get yourself aligned.

New moons in astrology often relate to new beginnings, as these dark-skied lunar moments are considered the first phase of the monthly moon cycle. During a new moon, the sun and moon form a conjunction aspect in the zodiac, giving us a cosmic boost toward planting new seeds, setting personal intentions, or getting in touch with our intuition. The May 2022 new moon is rising in the quick-witted and sociable sign of Gemini, so its spiritual meaning corresponds with our ability to think through our feelings and form connections with the people around us — which is especially important given the upheaval we’ve felt throughout eclipse season and Mercury retrograde.

Read on for all you need to know about the spiritual meaning of May’s new moon and how to connect with its mystical power.

What’s The Spiritual Meaning Of May’s New Moon?

Multifaceted and open-minded, the May 2022 new moon in Gemini is all about creating connection, making space for curiosity, and finding clarity amidst the cosmic chaos. Gemini zodiac energy is communicative and logical, so when paired with this introspective new moon moment, it can help us mentally sort through our feelings and find ways to express our emotional breakthroughs to others. May has been defined by an intense overlap between a destabilizing eclipse season and a disorienting Mercury retrograde, but this new moon brings a clear and refreshing breeze of hope.

Speaking of logistical planet Mercury, it happens to be Gemini’s ruling planet, so it plays an important role in this new moon story, too. Thanks to the retrograde, we’re already on an internal journey that involves retracing our recent steps and rethinking our choices. However, during the new moon, Mercury will be squabbling with serious planet Saturn — which could bring up some difficult thoughts and force us to get real about the consequences of our decisions. Thankfully, positive connections to both ethereal planet Neptune and transformational planet Pluto ensures we can stand in our power and stay idealistic in the face of these challenges.

Additionally, this new moon launches us into the last lunar cycle of the spring season — and allows us to take our first breath after being plunged into the depths of the last month’s eclipses — so there’s an exciting feeling of change and an element of hope in the air. Gemini is one of the mutable signs, so its energy encourages us to accept shifts and embrace transitions. While dealing with unexpected twists in our path isn’t easy, the spiritual meaning of May’s new moon can put some wind back in our sails and excitement on the horizon, inspiring us to gather up our ideas and find inspiration in whatever life has recently brought us.

How To Work With May’s New Moon Energy

The last new and full moon were both eclipses, so they brought all sorts of sudden changes and shocking events to our lives. Because manifesting during eclipses is considered a no-go by most astrologers, the May 2022 new moon marks our first really auspicious opportunity to do moon magic since mid-April — and all zodiac signs should take advantage of it. Setting intentions with a mystical Gemini season ritual will allow you to harness the zodiacal energy and plant seeds for new endeavors. It’s also a great time to sit with the reflection-focused vibe of Mercury retrograde by doing a meditation ritual or working with some protective crystals.

Because of the social nature of Gemini’s airy energy, this new moon is also a beautiful time to connect with friends and express your emotions outwardly. Having a heart-to-heart with a few of your besties or jumping into a more social setting can be a fun way to let off some steam and gain some valuable perspective on all the new moon ideas swirling through your head. If you’re feeling more introspective, try writing out your emotions in a journal and giving yourself the freedom to form your thoughts into words. This can help to ease stress, reflect on where we’re at, and help us process the changes that took place during eclipse season.

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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Full PINK Moon April 16, 2022


Full moons are a time of Culmination and fruition. 

When the moon is full it's a spiritual and energetic pinnacle. It's a great time for amplifying rituals in the full moon energy. It's like you're plugging in to the energetic outlet of the Universe.

This is the 1st full moon of the astrological year! It's a Super-moon, which means it's a bit closer to earth than usual. You'll be able to see and feel its energy in the nights before and after. 

It's a time to let things go and look ahead. Super-moons are known to be more energetically potent. 

The Pink moon today is in Libra and squared in Pluto. Pluto is about looking at Rebirth and Libra is about truth and balance. 

Ask the Universe, " What is trying to be transformed in your life?" This moon asks us to reveal truth and get clear on any illusions that need to be brought to light. Then clear out the ones that are not in alignment with your path. Release what isn't working for us. Rebirth and Transformation. 


Set some time aside this weekend to get clear on where you're kidding yourself and what your heart is really asking for. 

"What insight can you give me o what i could be missing? What needs to be let go of?

 Common rituals:

Moon water

Charge crystals

Drum circle


Full moon bath

 Full moon meditation



Love ritual



Breath-work visualization

Self Love



Sunday, April 11, 2021

Let yourself change and grow - HERMIT

 Melody Beattie - More Language of letting go - April 11th - Page 116

There are lots of hermit crabs in tide pools; interesting creatures. A hermit crab will find a shell that fits him, put it on, and live in it. After a while, he grows and the shell no longer fits. So the crab scurries along the sea floor and finds another shell to live in. He crawls out of his first shell and into the shell that fits his new needs. This scene repeats itself again and again throughout his life. 

Learn a lesson from the hermit crabs.

Just because a decision was right for you yesterday doesn't mean it meets your needs today. People grow. People change. And sometimes we have to let our safelittle places go, in order to grow and change. 

Are you holding on to something that doesn't work anymore, just because it's safe and what you know? It could be a behavior pattern - such as feeling victimized in all your relationships or wearing yourself out trying to control what you can't. 

Thank the lessons, people and places of the past for all they've taught you. THank your survival behaviors for helping you cope. Forgive yourself for the survival traits you picked up while enduring trauma!

There's nothing wrong with feeling comfortable and safe. But don't get so comfortable that you can't let go and move on when it's time. IF the walls are too confining and limiting and you're feeling stuck and bored, maybe it's time to get out and find a new shell. THere's another shell waiting that will fit you netter, but you can't move into it until you leave this one behind. 

"Spirit, show me the behaviors, things, people and places that i've outgrown. Then give me the faith to let go."

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Hard calls and Mental illness

 Sometimes we make choices with relative ease. One option feels right. We have no negative feelings about the other choice. On some occasions, we may be faced with a hard call

I'm sure we can all identify a hard call we've had to make in our lives. Many. It can be even more difficult if you suffer from any mental health illness or barrier. When making an important decision, I personally struggle quite a bit sometimes. 

I am an empath, so I tend to be understanding of other peoples perspectives even if they don't mirror mine. I have anxiety, CPTSD, Bipolar 1, ADHD and OCD. I have to sit on decisions for some time and overanalyze them and overthink them and then observe my mental state when coming to a decision. My free spirit doesn't always like this type of structural thinking, however, with consistent mental health work, recovery, therapy, stabilized medications, sobriety and a good support system, i've found that the act of making good, clear, sound decisions comes with less work lately. It really is possible to retrain your brain. 

What you think about, you bring about!

I do not like to make a decision when malnourished and dehydrated because my ADHD and OCD have me on a roll with getting things done and the arting and the daily to dos of life, I will forget to eat or drink water for 2 or 3 days. I become weak and emotional and irritable. Not a good time to make a hard call decision, or any decisions for that matter other than to get my shit together and take better care of myself! haha. 

With the Bipolar 1, I have many days that are stable and clear minded and focused. Some days I struggle with depression or as i call it, "feeling all my sad feelings." These days are not all bad if you don't stay there for too long. It's good to allow yourself to feel the pain you've endured. It's healthy and healing to let out a good cry or scream. Still not a good day to make decisions LOL. Those are more likely to be out of anger, sadness, resentment and can be irrational or selfish. 

On the other side of the Bipolar spectrum, there's Mania and Hypomania

  1. mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity.

Well...the word DELUSIONS alone tells you not to make decisions in this state of mind. This one can be particularly difficult. You're "feeling all your happy feelings," energetic, pissing sunshine basically. You're feeling less insecure, more powerful and hyper. You are less capable of calming yourself down and walking through a decision with all necessary tools needed to think it out with a sound mind. Similar situation with hypomania. 
noun: hypomania
  1. a mild form of mania, marked by elation and hyperactivity.

These decisions are usually made impulsively. 

So when you find yourself in a situation - and you WILL - where a hard call needs to be made - take a personal inventory. Does this make me feel good? Is this ethical? Does anything bad happen? Does anyone get hurt? Do I get hurt? Why am i making this decision? Is this important to me? How does it make me feel? And the list goes on. 

A hard call is when we don't like either choice, but one option is unacceptable. Hard calls can take many shapes and forms. We may love someone who has a serious drinking problem and simply decide we can't live with him or her. Despite how we feel about the person. We may love someone who has physically, mentally, emotionally abused us or displayed signs of violent behavior; while OUR feelings may be genuine, so is the danger. I had to leave a man i was still crazy about and went through the toughest heartbreak of my life because I did not like who I was when I was with him or the choices I made;  nor the way he treated and manipulated me and used me. That was a HARD CALL. A big one. 

Hard calls are part of life. They force us to examine our values and determine what's genuinely important to us. They insist that we choose the path that's in our highest good. 

And that hard call led me to new love and lessons learned that I would not take back if given the option. You grow through what you go through. 

"When I am faced with a tough decision, help me be gentle with myself and others as i sort out, with your help, what's right for me."

Peace. Love. Art


Friday, March 12, 2021

Know your limits

 While it's good to be compassionate, we can become overly compassionate, too. Don't work so hard at not judging other people that you forgot to pay attention to what you don't like. 

"I know what it feels like to be abandoned and left. I don't like the feeling, so i'm not going to leave the people in my life." While I was living with an abusive man, emotional, mental and physical. 

"I need to be compassionate and non judgemental, He's had a hard life. He's had loss. I'm all he's got left." 

You can set boundaries with someone, without judging that person. You can decide that behaviors are inappropriate and hurt you, without condemning that person. 

Don't forget you have a right to say, "ouch." 

We can say whatever with compassion and still take care of ourselves. This is a very difficult thing, and even more so when you struggle from mental health issues. As i've mentioned before, I have Bipolar1, CPTSD, Anxiety, ADHD and OCD. So in order to achieve "knowing my limits" I need to have a routine and go to therapy twice a week and practice self care. It isn't easy, but it isn't impossible.

" Spirit, help me set appropriate limits with people in my life." 

Learning to deal with manipulation

 " Even if you understand and follow all of the rules for more effectively engaging manipulators, life with them is not likely to be easy."

Sometimes they want something. Sometimes they want someone. Sometimes they want someone to give them something or feel a particular way. They want power, in some way, shape or form. Manipulators pray on weak spots. 

Obsession and guilt are weapons. 

Manipulators get us to use these weapons on ourselves. 

Sometimes we can disengage from maWe may have a parent whom we care about deeplt who has adapted manipulation as a way of life. 

Learn how to affectively deal with manipulators. Not everyone means what they say and says what they mean. People fling words about, to hit our guilty, vain, or frighten spots. Recognize that tinge of guilt or coercion you feel when other people are trying to force you to do it their way. Learn to recognize when others are telling you what they believe you want to hear. Learn to not react, stay clear, practice nonresistance, and stay true to yourself. This is even more difficult when you are an empath. 

Be gentle with yourself, if you have a manipulator in your life. You're not responsible for the other persons attempts at manipulation. You're responsible for staying clear. 

"Help me let go of the weak spots in myself that allow me to fall prey to manipulations. Help me stay clear of guilt and obsession so I can decide what's best for me."

New Moon in Gemini - May 30th, 2022

       The New Moon May 2022 comes in Gemini season and brings with it the type of energy that's all about change. Transformation is ne...